Mission Statement
Mission Statement: BTICC will REACH unchurched people, TEACH believers to love Jesus fully, MEND broken lives, EMPOWER the ordinary for the extra ordinary task, SEND disciples into ministry to impart lives.
Our 6 Core Values: (What makes us who we are)
Passion –
Love for God, Love for Worship, Love for God’s Word, Spiritual Disciplines
Our 6 Core Values: (What makes us who we are)
Passion –
Love for God, Love for Worship, Love for God’s Word, Spiritual Disciplines
Community –
Fellowship, A Welcoming Family, Relationships, Teams, Friendships, Multi-ethnic
Transformation –
Holiness, Biblical application, Christlikeness, healing, deliverance, liberation and emancipation from physical and spiritual slavery.
Power –
Spirit-filled, spirit-led, gift expression, spiritual warfare, signs and wonders, manifestation and demonstration of the Supernatural operations.
Missional –
Committed to Kingdom mindedness, justice, mercy, global missions, evangelism and Church plant.
Fellowship, A Welcoming Family, Relationships, Teams, Friendships, Multi-ethnic
Transformation –
Holiness, Biblical application, Christlikeness, healing, deliverance, liberation and emancipation from physical and spiritual slavery.
Power –
Spirit-filled, spirit-led, gift expression, spiritual warfare, signs and wonders, manifestation and demonstration of the Supernatural operations.
Missional –
Committed to Kingdom mindedness, justice, mercy, global missions, evangelism and Church plant.
Creativity –
Destiny-oriented, dynamic, innovative, strengths, spiritual gifts
OUR VISION: We envision Breakthrough Int’l becoming…
1. A large multi-ethnic community of followers of Christ who worship God together in multiple weekly services which fill our facilities with a diversity of worship styles and languages.
2. A family of “Missional Communities” who gather in a multitude of locations in order to help one another grow in faith, love, obedience, and service.
3. A place where all Breakthrough family members discover and use their unique gifts and strengths as they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill their kingdom mandate.
4. A church that works in partnership with our community (churches, organizations, businesses, and neighbors) to transform our city through acts of compassion, justice, and empowerment.
5. A training center where Missional leaders will be equipped & empowered to start new ministries, missions, and churches both locally and globally.
Destiny-oriented, dynamic, innovative, strengths, spiritual gifts
OUR VISION: We envision Breakthrough Int’l becoming…
1. A large multi-ethnic community of followers of Christ who worship God together in multiple weekly services which fill our facilities with a diversity of worship styles and languages.
2. A family of “Missional Communities” who gather in a multitude of locations in order to help one another grow in faith, love, obedience, and service.
3. A place where all Breakthrough family members discover and use their unique gifts and strengths as they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill their kingdom mandate.
4. A church that works in partnership with our community (churches, organizations, businesses, and neighbors) to transform our city through acts of compassion, justice, and empowerment.
5. A training center where Missional leaders will be equipped & empowered to start new ministries, missions, and churches both locally and globally.